Kyle Unciano


Tech Hub MET Fall 2022 Cohort

Character Movement

This Blueprint allows the character to move around. I was able to create this by using Unreal's Enhanced Input System.

Shooting and shooting vfx

This Blueprint is what does the Shooting action. On the top is the Shooting Blueprint. What it does is it sends out a linetrace and if it hits an enemy, it kills it.The bottom part of the Blueprint is the VFX Blueprint. What it does is, whenever the left mouse button is clicked, it turns on the vfx once and then turns it off once it is released.

Enemy AI

This Blueprint functions once it sees the player. Once it sees the player, the AI moves towards the player until it kills the player or until it gets killed.I used Nav Mesh Bounds Volume which basically is the navigation for the AI.

Other Blueprints I've Made

These are the other Blueprints I've made but aren't as massive as the ones above.


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